SLAGMAUR: 'Von Rov Shelter' Artwork Preview Available

April 2, 2009

Norwegian black metallers SLAGMAUR have unveiled the front cover artwork for their new album, "Von Rov Shelter". The art was created by photographer and graphic artist Tine Marie Lund Kristensen and artist Robert Hoyem, and is based on a concept by SLAGMAUR's founder, General Gribbsphiiser. The front cover is a representation of Leonardo Da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper", and the set itself took three weeks to build and light in order to capture the feel of the original as faithfully as possible. There, however, the similarity ends, with the figures of Christ and the Apostles being replaced by band members, friends and fictional characters in the guise of various satanic characters, and biblical or historical figures. THORNS' Snorre W Ruch takes on the role of Cain, Åtselgribb is Judas Iscariot, Freddy Krueger is Nero, Bzilla is Legion, Krush is Belial, General Gribbsphiiser and Lilith are themselves.

"Von Rov Shelter", which is already receiving critical praise from pre-release listenings, is expected to be made available on Osmose later this year.

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